A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

A Pathway To Insight with Ann Hince

August 07, 2022 Subito Media Season 1 Episode 128
A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss
A Pathway To Insight with Ann Hince
A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss +
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Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to today's visit with Ann Hince, professional speaker, author, and spiritual teacher. When Ann was 19, she experienced a deeply traumatic event, but instead of allowing herself to heal she just moved on with life. Later, she talked to her physician about how stressed she was and he taught her EFT, or tapping.

Ann's book goes through the steps that it takes to move your awareness inside your body. First, is EFT tapping through every emotional memory you can think of. Tap and release the emotional burden, then work through the other steps to hold awareness inside your body. Visit Ann's YouTube channel to try it for yourself.

Ann's book, "A Pathway to Insight: Re-capture your childhood buzz" can be found here >> https://smile.amazon.com/Pathway-Insight-Re-capture-your-childhood-ebook/dp/B08P22YF22/ref=sr_1_1?crid=28DNCBDP14RRJ&keywords=ann+hince&qid=1659479618&rnid=2941120011&s=books&sprefix=ann+hince%2Caps%2C140&sr=1-1

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On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnHinceWisdom
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Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic Barclay. And I'm again, joined by Anne hints, who is an amazing woman who has overcome trauma in her teens, and really tapped into who she is. And I use the word tapped in because she is a master in EFT. Welcome back.

Ann Hince:

Thank you. It's great to be here again.

Magic Barclay:

Thanks for joining us. Now, in our last episode, you answered my standard questions, which you gave some great answers there, but we only really touched in a mention on this fantastic book. You have a pathway to insight. What can you tell us about what listers will find in that?

Ann Hince:

Okay. Yeah, I wrote the book after I was able to put my awareness inside my body. Cause I, I wanted to write down the steps that I went through. So are some weird things that the body goes through when it's releasing all this tension and I didn't want to forget them all. So the part of the book is how I believe we store the tension in our connective. In and how we are programmed in childhoods and we just end up replaying the same things over and over again, the same feeling complexes over and over again. And. I wanted to explain how I believe that's stored. And I believe it's stored in the connected tissue because that's what I am putting my awareness in. And that's where I'm releasing the tension when I'm going on the inside. So that's the first part of the book. And then the second part is where I go into the steps, the steps that I took. So the first was EFT. I wrote down all my childhood trauma. Every emotional memory that I can think of. And I tap through them one at a time. And that's the, that's the first process it's, it's releasing the outer layers and starting to open up the subconscious mind. So I explain EFT in detail in there and all the, the different. Things that you can tap on to start releasing this tension, releasing the burden that we've been carrying. And then after that, the next step was when I didn't really feel like I needed a EF Ft anymore. Because at that point I was aware of the physical sensations underneath the emotions, not just the words, right. I could say how I'm feeling afraid, but I could actually feel that tension inside my body. That was that fear. And then I would hold my awareness on that. And now at a deeper level, it would release. So I explained that in detail in there as well, and then beyond that, then it is step three and four, which is actually being able to hold the awareness inside the body. And I know it's kind of, I know it is the opening of the inner eye, the third eye, which is like kind of a woo woo thing people hear about out there. Um, I try and. Make it sound more physical. It it's an actual thing. Um, I explain how it releases its bonds and, yeah, that kind of goes into a little bit more spiritual work there. And then I also do have a chapter in there about someone who wants to manifest something. Um, I know a lot of people like that aspect of this kind of work and there's ways you can do with EFT by releasing the resistance to what we have now, because if there's something we want, it means we are not satisfied right now. And if there's something we want, we also have resistance to it because otherwise we would already have. So this chapter asks questions to bring up, there's also one section, which is like an interview with which, um, which actually fun to write. Cause I got to ask myself questions so I have answers to those in there too.

Magic Barclay:

I love that, that you interviewed yourself in your book. That's um, I mean, why not?

Ann Hince:

right. Well, I knew people wouldn't ask me those questions or, or yeah, maybe they would, but I wanted, yeah, I wanted those

Magic Barclay:

in the book. Terrific. Okay. So we've talked about your love for EFT. We've discussed the book. Let's find out a little bit more about how you've used EFT in your own life. So we know that you detached yourself from those emotions that were under the surface after finding your mom, how else is this really helped you throughout your life? So give some examples. I'm asking these questions now. Some listeners will be listening to this going well. That is woo. Woo. Like how can I not have one Tasla because I really want it. What's holding me back. What am I not connecting to? So what sort of gains have you made in your life through doing this work?

Ann Hince:

Well, there's so many things that you can use EFT with. In fact, there are people out there that say use it on anything. Um, so, but the first thing I did, because I wanted to know that it worked and I'd been to this doctor, you know, he really helped me and I'd felt some relief, but I wasn't convinced at that point that it really did work. So I went home. I learned how to do it because it was available online for free. Still is. I had a cat. I had a 17 year old cat at home that we'd been told, needed daily, say line shots. And I hated injections. I didn't know how I was gonna do it. And the first time I gave him an injection, my hand was shaking. So ridiculously much. I wasn't gonna be able to do it every day. It just wasn't gonna happen. Cause I was too afraid of doing it. So I thought I'll just try this out as a test case. So I. I tapped about my fear of giving the injection to my cat, my fear of hurting my cat and my memories from injections because I'd had many and the next day, the needle just slid right. In my hand, wasn't shaking at all. All the fear had gone. So that's when I knew how powerful it was. And so that's when I started using it every day, started noticing when I was feeling emotional and I would tap it out. And then I wrote down all these memories and I tapped all of them out for about an hour, hour and a half each night until I'd gone through them all. And I found my mind becoming quiet. And I, I didn't even know this was possible. You know, if you have a busy mind, I, and I know people who've been meditating for 20 years and still have busy minds, and I didn't want to have to do that every day. So I wanted something the would really change and my mind was becoming quiet. And I remember opening my kitchen door one day and just thinking. I feel like I'm living in a different reality because my mind was empty. Those words that I had been using over and over again, the ones that I judged myself with and criticized other people. Those had been my dad's words that I had programmed in me in childhood and had just been replaying over and over again. But I couldn't see that until they were gone. And then I could look back and see, oh yeah, those were dad's words.

Magic Barclay:

And I think a lot of us do that. Like, come on listeners. We've all had that moment where we say something and we just go, oh my God, my parents just flew outta my mouth. And you really wonder, where did that word come from? Where did that phrase come from? It's not something that's a daily occurrence in your life. And it's because those emotions are trapped and attached to that phrase, that word. Facial expression, mannerism, anything. And all of a sudden it does pop up because you still have an attachment to that. And that's why it came through. And certainly I've used AFT to dismiss all of stuff from my parents. It's quite free.

Ann Hince:

It is. And catching that voice in the mind, you know, we have. A voice that talks to us in the mind, in our mind catching it kind of, once you do enough EFT, it becomes much more easy to, to notice. So that's what I would, I would catch that voice. What am I saying to myself? And I would tap. Those words, I would tap about those words that I would hear in my mind, and that would remove them. It would release them from my nervous system. So then they wouldn't come up again.

Magic Barclay:

Totally. Now, and we do love freebies on this show and, you know, everyone loves to get something for nothing. So what can you offer the listeners to get them started? On the AFT journey.

Ann Hince:

Well, there's a couple of things. So first off you could go to amazon.com and look up the book, a pathway to insight. And there's one of those things there that you can actually look inside the book and you can read the introduction. So that is part of my story. And that's on there and you can read that. Anytime you want. And also I do have videos on how to do some of these techniques on my YouTube channel. So you can go there and you can actually hear my story in, in a little bit more detail in, in some areas. So you can learn EFT. There, there's actually a video on how to do EFT there. And in the notes, there's links to the videos of the person who developed the technique about 20 years or so ago. So, um, hopefully some of those will help.

Magic Barclay:

Terrific listeners get onto it. As I said, I've used EFT and I use it with my clients. Yeah, it does sound. Woo. Woo. I do have to tell you when I first stumbled across it, I thought, what on earth is this? But it works. And amazingly, you know, it is free and it is easy as Anne said, and it just unlocks so much of your life. So definitely get onto that. Thank you, Anne, for all that amazing wisdom that you've shared and certainly for those freebies.

Ann Hince:

Thank you. Thank you for having me, letting me share my story.

Magic Barclay:

Absolute pleasure. Now, listeners, you can find ann@annhints.com on Facebook at Ann hints wisdom. As she said, she has a YouTube channel there. Jump onto Amazon. Get your copy of a pathway to insight coming up in episode 1 29. We. Eileen Franco talking about transitioning from health chaos to radiant wellness. And that will be one to listen out for listeners. Thank you so much for your time and thank you for joining us for these episodes.

Ann Hince:

Thank you. Thank you for having me.

Magic Barclay:

Terrific. Now listeners go forth and create your magical life.