A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Connecting To Intuition and Ancient Cultures with Todd Armstrong

August 21, 2022 Todd Armstrong Season 1 Episode 132
Connecting To Intuition and Ancient Cultures with Todd Armstrong
A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss
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A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss
Connecting To Intuition and Ancient Cultures with Todd Armstrong
Aug 21, 2022 Season 1 Episode 132
Todd Armstrong

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In this episode, I'm visiting with Todd Armstrong, host of Godcast: The Goodness Over Darkness Podcast. Seven years ago, after 90 days in jail, a prayer changed his life.  He has since experienced a psychic awakening, a rebirth, and has lost 100 pounds.

Listen in as we talk about God/source, reconciling your associations with religion versus tradition, and how to tap into the wisdoms of ancient cultures.

Connect with Todd: https://www.facebook.com/GodcastTheGoodnessOverDarknessPodcast
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A Subito Media production

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Show Notes Transcript

Join the conversation! Send Magic a text here!

In this episode, I'm visiting with Todd Armstrong, host of Godcast: The Goodness Over Darkness Podcast. Seven years ago, after 90 days in jail, a prayer changed his life.  He has since experienced a psychic awakening, a rebirth, and has lost 100 pounds.

Listen in as we talk about God/source, reconciling your associations with religion versus tradition, and how to tap into the wisdoms of ancient cultures.

Connect with Todd: https://www.facebook.com/GodcastTheGoodnessOverDarknessPodcast
Connect with Magic:

A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/

On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/

Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au

A Subito Media production

Support the Show.

Connect with Magic:
A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/
Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au
A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic Barclay. And I'm again, joined today by Todd Armstrong. Todd is the creator of the goodness over darkness podcast. And he's going to tell us a little bit more about what goes on in that podcast and also how he found God. Something I refer to as source, but how he found God and what it can do for you. Now don't switch off. If you're not religious, don't worry. You're still gonna get a lot out of this episode. We do try and bring you such a wonderful mix of guests. And Todd is really going to give us some, uh, some wow moments in this episode. Welcome back.

Todd Armstrong:

Well, thank you for having me and I love being here. I, you are so kind, and it is a very nice feeling to have someone who's so kind giving so many compliments. So thank you so much. Thank you. That

Magic Barclay:

was such a compliment. Now look, we did kind of touch on it in 1 31. And I've just said in the intro, if people aren't particularly religious or don't believe in God or what I call source or universe, there is something out there. Like I'm not discounting that there obviously is something out there. What I'm seeing lately with the world being. Well, a little bit it's on its head to put it politely. Um, many people just feel really shunned by the idea that there could be a source or a creator or a God, or, you know, like why are people turning on each other? And. I've certainly discussed this in previous episodes. That community is the greatest thing that you can have family, you know, belonging and unity and turning your back on people because of their beliefs is damaging not only to them, but to you. So I guess what I'm trying to get at here is how can people connect to something? If they're feeling really disconnected at the.

Todd Armstrong:

Okay. And yeah, when, uh, so I use the word, God, you know, you like to use the word source, that's just, uh, uh, they're just words. They're just human words. They don't mean anything. They're just words that we use to describe the things that we're thinking. And that's just a common way for us to understand. So if someone's turned off by the word, God, I'm sure that there's something that happened in your past that a, probably a religious establishment has turned you off to it for some reason or another. So I would try to just help you look at maybe why am I triggered by certain words? Or why does it give me a certain feeling? And make peace with whatever happened to you before, so that it doesn't bring you that source of contention any further. Uh, so. God or source being, how can we get in touch with it and, and how come all of this craziness is going on. If there's an all loving God that can, has the ability to change anything on a whim, you know, why does this happen? Well, we all have free. Will. And we reap what we sell, or we have karma things come back to us that we do. And we only really learn these things through experience and having the revelation or the understanding that, oh, I'm doing this Mo I'm co-creating in this life. And what I do say and think Ashley comes back to me. One form or another. So when we have things so hectic, it. God's has these algorithms that he built into this place that we live in so that it shows us ourselves, this entire universe is a mirror to us. So everything that comes your way is the energies you are putting out and they're boomeranging back to you. So when someone. In community, like you said, in a, a unity of, uh, loving and helping well that person's gonna receive love and help. And we can see this very simply when we look at some of our friends and some of them are very popular and everybody just seems to love these people. And then you have other people who just seem to be very negative and offputting, and you can see how those people are. The people who are loved are bringing that love in because they're genuinely loving other people and you can see how the off putting people are putting people off. So when that person is then communicating with someone else, they're being put off themselves, they're thinking in terms of what they do to others, because everyone has this ego and it's not something we can really get rid of, but we all have an ego. And we kind of just naturally assume that what we're doing, everyone else is doing. So when you see someone who is, uh, you know, some kind of hustler that is trying to steal from people, we're trying to get over on somebody that they're always looking for someone to be getting over on them. So they're looking for it because they're doing it. So they find it and they. Only see life through that lens. And that's just one example. We can do this with anything, positivity, negativity, you name it, and you can bring it into your existence. So how can we get in touch with God source creator? Uh, the universal energy that has given life to everything, right? How can we get in touch with it while it all exists within you? We all have a moral compass that we can then know good and bad. That is the only way we actually know good from bad. And there is, it is a perspective type thing, but there is good and there is bad, you know? We see a grandma crossing the street and she's taken forever. We can honk her horn. We can run her over or we can sit there patiently. Everyone knows the difference between the good, the bad and the evil there. So there's obviously something that we all share that we inherently know. What's good. What's bad. And what's evil now. Good and bad. They're kind of just perspective things because, uh, like we talked about in the last. What might be good for? My diet might be bad for your diet. So that's a perspective thing. What's good. And what's evil. They are not prospective things. They are moral things. And we all share the same moral compass because we're all made from the same God. So this moral compass that lives inside of us is God. And this is what directs us in doing the right things. This is why we feel shame. We feel guilt when we do things that are wrong because it. The God within us is being hurt. You are hurting God by hurting yourself by hurting others, because we are all one. And what we do to ourselves, we do to others, what we do to others, we do to ourselves. So it is greatly important that we try to appease our moral compass because our moral compass. Is us is God, is everyone else. It's how we telepathically communicate with other people. It's how we can be empathic and feel their feelings about what we're doing or what we're about to do or what we're about to say. We can all walk into a room where two people we're just fighting and we can feel the tension and we can know something happened. That we don't, we don't actually know what happened, but we can sense something is off. That is because that is our moral compass going off and saying something, some energy in this room. Isn't right. And that's our psychic ability. That is our moral compass going off in our minds. So when we walk past trash and we have the thought to pick it up, pick it up and you will start to recalibrate your moral compass when. Do anything that sends your moral compass off, making you feel shame or guilt? Well, go undo that thing. And that may be because you just yelled or cursed at somebody. Go apologize immediately when you're wrong and you know, you're wrong. Don't defend your position instead. Apologize and see what happens. That those simple things is how you start getting in touch with the creator because that creative life force lives within all of us. And the only way to actually get in touch with. Is to recalibrate your moral compass in this immoral world that leads us astray the way to do it is simple. Things like that. To get in touch with yourself again.

Magic Barclay:

Totally. Now, what kind of stuff do you cover in your podcast? Because people are probably. Thinking, oh, maybe I should pop over and listen to Todd's podcast, but what am I gonna get? So can you tell us some of the topics that you cover

Todd Armstrong:

there? Yeah, absolutely. And I hope that, uh, your audience here enjoys what I'm saying and wants to come check out my podcast. God, the goodness over darkness podcast. Uh, so on there, I really cover. I mean, I cover the gamut of it's goodness, over darkness in all forms. So there's sometimes where I talk to people about. Mental health there's sometimes I talk to people about addiction. There's a lot of storytelling, you know, like maybe an AA NA type of feel, not necessarily drugs or alcohol specifically, but just get telling your story and having others hear it so that it helps them. You know, we do a lot of spiritual awakening, do a lot. Uh, people being saved by Jesus and their connection with Jesus. I, I do a lot of different, uh, covered up history with tarter. If you're not familiar with that, that's a, you know, it's a big one that's been, popping up lately. We don't cover the Current day affairs all that much because it'll get you banned and censored everywhere. And because so many other people are doing it, I'm not really interested in that. I want to know like the weird stuff that's going on in the world and the background of everything. So like what I just covered giants with LA Marli, you know, we were talking about the giants fallen angels Neel. Uh, different skull that he has, uh, uncovered. Uh, yeah, so we cover all sorts of different conspiracy theory type stuff as well. Just really, I run the gamut. I don't hold anything back and I allow my guests to come on and speak their expertise or their experience. And we just have a good time going back and forth. Brilliant.

Magic Barclay:

I am going to pop over and have a listen. So definitely. And I'm glad you brought up aria. It's not something I've actually researched, but have a couple of friends who have, and for my own curiosity, and, and maybe the listeners are thinking this and not asking anyone either, or maybe they haven't heard of aria. How could. People in civilizations before our current civilization have power and energy to their homes. And how could large scale buildings be built that we are told certainly here in Australia, I'm thinking of one in particular, we're told a certain building that our government occupy at the moment, um, was built. After the convicts came here, but what they actually did was there was one stone Mason that came over and he was put to death. So how could these big grand buildings be built with no knowledge of stone masonry? Like obviously it was already here. right. So here comes aria. So how can you explain that to the listeners?

Todd Armstrong:

Okay, well, so on my website, if you go to my blog, I have an article titled WTF is a Tarr where it's a, uh, nine page essay on kind of just the brief. Overview of what it is because tarter is an umbrella term that so many other things exist under. And like you're saying the, the architecture, the old world architecture that doesn't make any sense in the mainstream narrative that our governments, our museums, our high schools, universities. All these different things in habit nowadays, it's very strange and they tell us it's Greco, Roman, and it was built in two to three years. The world's fairs get into there because, uh, it's just so much to it and I've covered it extensively. On my podcast, I've had on some of the foremost, uh, leading researchers on that topic. If you go to the playlist on my YouTube channel, uh, so the YouTube channel, goodness, over darkness, I have a playlist called covered up history, and I think I have about 13 episodes in there, uh, that you guys will really get a grasp for if you go watch that playlist. Um, so how could they have energy? Uh, that was one of the questions you asked. This ether that we have. So we think of energy in the terms of, you know, plugging something in. Well, imagine that you don't need to do that. That it's actually just for show that we're plugging things in just. To appear like we're doing something, right? So just take that for example, you know, it's not that we aren't actually doing it, you know, we'd need to do it, but we could actually manipulate the ether without having to plug something in that the energy exists already in the ether. And, uh, science calls it dark matter to an extent. There's different Matics. I mentioned in the last episode. So there's different symatic patterns that if you look into cymatics, you take a speaker and it has to be a very large speaker and you can take a metal pan. You put it on top of the speaker, you sprinkle some kind of granular on it, salt, sand, sugar, something like that. And you play different frequ. That granular will just arrange itself in a different, unique pattern as you change the frequency. So will the granular, it will change right in front of your face. So when we look at churches and this is a big part of it, the, the cathedrals, if you will, cathedrals, but CS, you know, CS or energy they're used for energy. So if you take out the. pains from these cathedrals. They're actually in somatic patterns and now the wind is the breath of God, right? It's yawe if we're talking in terms of 15 hundreds in Europe, well, that wind comes in through that somatic pattern and they would have maybe an organ hooked up, not hooked up, but pushed right up. The window. So now the, the wind is coming in the breath of God's coming in and it's coming through the somatic pattern into the organ and the organ is playing music then, and now people are being healed in these healing centers, which we now call churches, cuz we took away the organs where we moved them and we covered up the windows and. Now what they were saying in different, uh, religious texts means something completely different to us because we don't have the understandings that they did about energy and how things just flow through. There's also a lot of different copper pieces and, uh, mercury, uh, there's so many different scientific based. Evidences that on top of all these old architecture buildings, it's just energy was just running dinging from one place to the, the next, with all these different crosses or the Crescent moons that they have. They're actually symbols that are used in energies, uh, in. These different scientific, energetic patterns. So then we're just given religion, which actually is better off just being called tradition. Uh, if you just lose that word, religion, you'll understand much more what it's supposed to mean, which is tradition. And you take out, you know, the separation of. All the different, uh, religions. And you start to look at each of'em have a different piece to the whole puzzle. Then you start to see that something was there that existed. That was beautiful. That helped everybody. And it was. free flowing energy. And it was a loving environment and we were all helping one another to then something came in here, divided us and had us fight about our different pieces of the puzzle and said, our piece is right. They said their piece is right. And then we choose sides. And that's what they've been doing more and more is just further dividing us further, dividing us, getting our puzzle pieces smaller and smaller and smaller. But once you start to look at how simple things would've been back a few hundred years ago, not very long ago, that it makes a lot more sense when you start to look at all the different things of how there was a whole different type of society that we're completely unaware of.

Magic Barclay:

Wow. We could talk for hours on this. Couldn't we We might have to organize another one.

Todd Armstrong:

Hey, I'm down for it. Yeah. It's it's a mighty heavy topic.

Magic Barclay:

It is listeners. You can get in touch with Todd and everything he does, including his podcast on the website, www.emmanuelkingman.com. That's capital I K. This was your episode, 1 32 talking all things to Terry energy, amazingness and more. Thank you, Todd. For joining us. It's. Absolutely

Todd Armstrong:

fantastic. Yeah. Thank you so much for having me. It's been quite the honor to be here, so thank you very much, miss magic Barkley.

Magic Barclay:

Thank you, listeners. Thank you so much for your time today. In episode 1 33, I have Nicole Stan talking about creating a sustainable work life balance. So for all you entrepreneurs out there, For all you nine to five ERs who it ends up being an eight to eight are, you know, this is something that you really need to hear. Thank you again for your time. Go forth and create your magical life.