A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Breaking Through with Jeff Teresi

October 27, 2021 Jeff Teresi Season 1 Episode 79
A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss
Breaking Through with Jeff Teresi
A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss +
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Show Notes Transcript

MEET JEFF TERESI, Speaker, Author, and Award-winning Salesperson

After graduating from the Carlson School of Management, Jeff went on to become a Hall-of-Fame Business Achiever.

​Jeff is most content creating creative content. One of his greatest motivators is motivating others. When he’s not passionately presenting, Jeff's main joys comes from being a husband and father, playing Frisbee with their dog, receiving face-licks from their fur ball of a bunny, and traveling the world.

Connect with Jeff at https://www.jeffteresi.com/ and find a wealth of free downloadable resources!

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A Subito Media production

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A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic Barclay. And today I'm joined by Jeff Terresi. Jeff quips business professionals with the tools to break through to their next big breakthrough over and over again, both professionally and personally, after years of studying and learning from the experts in personal development. Jeff is most content creating creative content as a speaker, author, and hall of fame business achiever. One of his greatest motivators is motivating others. Jeff loves to travel, speak, and teach around the world. At in-person and online event. When he's not passionately presenting Jeff's main joys come from being a husband and father playing Frisbee with their dog and receiving face licks from their furball of a bunny. Welcome, jeff.

Jeff Teresi:

Thank you for having magic. I'm really excited to be here. I love your name by the way.

Magic Barclay:

Cute. Thank you. Speaking in names. Come on. You've got to tell us the dog and the bunnies names.

Jeff Teresi:

So my dog's name is Sherlock and his full name is Sherlock bones. So he could be a real pet detective and our Bunny's name is Willow.

Magic Barclay:

Lovely. And you're a father. How many kids do you have?

Jeff Teresi:

I have one eight month old daughter.

Magic Barclay:

Oh, congratulations. Your world will never be the same again.

Jeff Teresi:

It's been absolutely magical.

Magic Barclay:

Fantastic. Now, Jeff, tell us a little bit about how you help people make these breakthroughs.

Jeff Teresi:

Yeah, essentially it's starts by redefining what success is for most people. I think we're a lot of people get caught up is they view success as a destination. When in reality, it's a way of life. It goes way beyond just accomplishing a goal or achieving a dream. I believe true success is being able to consistently make choices that bring joy and meaning to my life and the lives of others. And so it all comes down to choices. The decisions we make on a daily basis. And so I believe our existential urgency is this the key to peace, empowerment and perpetual progress is being able to make daily disciplined decisions. And when I say discipline decisions, that doesn't mean that we're taking away all the fun. It actually means we're very intentional about finding the fun in everything that we do.

Magic Barclay:

That's fantastic. And I think that's really important for people to realize that every day is full of decisions and you can make it a great day or a terrible day by either being really blahzay with those decisions or putting some effort into them.

Jeff Teresi:


Magic Barclay:

Yeah, Jeff, we talk here about health, obviously. So what can your expertise do to accelerate health? We're talking emotional, spiritual, and physical.

Jeff Teresi:

Yeah. So actually after years of research and development, I've come to find that there are seven key abilities that enables anyone to be able to break through to their next big breakthrough. And it all comes down to be able to cultivate create. And connect. And so to expand on that, we want to be able to first cultivate a thankful heart and an empowered mind and encouraging connections so that we can confidently create a clarified. And an inviting environment. So we can courageously connect with ongoing growth and a purposeful plan. And I found that if you focus on any one of those categories, you're going to experience breakthrough, but when you put them all together, it's just breakthrough after breakthrough.

Magic Barclay:

Now we were talking off air a little bit and you said that. Uh, purpose field plan is like bringing out thoughts, words, actions, relationships, everything into alignment. Can you talk a bit more about alignment?

Jeff Teresi:

Yeah. And so I actually am a little bit of an over planner at times. And so at one point I actually had my plan for success. I called it, I was 15 pages long and I decided I was going to review. For 30 minutes a day for the rest of my life. And I ended up reviewing it 30 minutes for one day. And so I've actually found that you can spend so much time planning that actually prevents you from following through, with the plan in the first place. And so I always encourage people to have a plan. That's great, but make sure you don't over-complicate and so I've since simplified. And it's now one page and I call it the one page plan for success. And essentially it's what you were just saying. It's making sure that our thoughts, words, actions, relationships, and pursuits are all in alignment to make sure we're being our best selves in all areas. Our alives. And so, as an example, I have a template available to download for free on my website. It's Jeff terresi.com. If you want to spell it out on the show notes, that'd be fantastic. And essentially it has the instructions. And I find that if you just have these quick notes on one page, you can review them. And it just sparks that memory of, oh yeah, this is why I'm doing that. So from my thoughts, I think we, not me because I know the quality and beauty of. Is in direct proportion to the quality and beauty. I ascribed to others and it comes to my words. I want to be silent or music, not noise. And so I'm very intentional with the words that I'm using and for my actions, I really try hard to remove the rush so I can save her the simple, and I really try as hard as I can to love without limits. And I find that when it comes to our relationships, we have to recognize that relationships are what life is all about. Life is all about relationships. And so making sure you're investing into those relationships. And one of the ones that helps me the most by far is the one with my wonderful life. And then as far as. Your pursuits. My pursuit is to not only help people break through to the next big breakthrough, but I want to be a heroic husband and a fantastic father and a faithful friend. And so that in a nutshell is just an example of what some of those five things can be on one sheet.

Magic Barclay:

I think that's really important for the listeners to get a grasp of that. You need to be intentional with everything that you do, just, you know, don't fly by the seat of your pants and hope that things will turn out the way you want. You really have to make the effort and especially in relationships, because you know the old saying what you put out, you get back is so true.

Jeff Teresi:

Yeah, well said, thank you.

Magic Barclay:

Now we talk about wealth here. Wealth being, not just the financial, but also the personal, the creative, the emotional wealth. So what are your top three tips to creating wealth?

Jeff Teresi:

So I think it's extremely important that we first define what matters most to us, and then put that in our calendars for. Before anything else. And in the book I wrote the seven key abilities. I have a whole chapter on that. And what I find is ironic is that people with disorganized. Or non prioritized schedules, can't seem to find the time to fix it. And so if you or your viewers might struggle with that, I want to encourage you to make, prioritizing your number one priority. As you were saying, it's so important to be intentional about everything you do. And, um, there's been studies. I forgot who. Doctor was at the Mayo clinic, but essentially if we're not choosing our thoughts intentionally, it's just like driving a car. If you're not holding onto the steering wheel, it just naturally, um, we'll veer off the road. And if we're not paying attention to our thoughts, they're going to naturally gravitate towards negative or neutral thoughts as opposed to. Choosing our thoughts intentionally, which can lead to more positive thoughts. And it's so important to have practices in place that position us to be able to produce more positive patterns of thinking. And I think affirmations are extremely important in that regard. So that's number one

Magic Barclay:

and stop you there on that one. And just let the listeners know that when you're planning your day, It is important to make sure that you have time for yourself in there. It is important to make sure that you have time to follow your passion and your joy in there. Now, if that's walking the dog or doing some gardening, no matter how busy your Workday is, if you don't have the things that build you up, you will break down. So definitely make that time for yourself. Sorry, Jeff, go ahead with number two.

Jeff Teresi:

Oh no, actually that was. Uh, great addition. Thank you for saying that. I think it's so important that we have things to look forward to every single day. And as far as, um, the next thing, I think it's super important to recognize that you get to decide what you believe and how has your tort, where if you disagree or don't believe me, you've actually just proven my point. You get to decide what you believe. See, whether you're aware of it or not, you're fighting a battle every single day. And the war is waged within your mind. You know, the thousands of thoughts you think each day, how many do you think actually help you versus hinder you? And how do you differentiate between the two? And when it comes to getting where you want to go, your mind has the power to be a barrier or a bridge. It can hold you back or propel you forward. And so. We have to believe in ourselves. We have to believe that we can do what we want to set out to do. And I think Henry Ford hit the nail on the head when he said, whether you think you can or think you can't you're right. And I found is that if you don't believe in yourself, you might as well quit before you start, because failure has a funny way of becoming a self fulfilling prophecy. And if you don't believe in yourself, you're going to lack the confidence and courage needed to do what needs to be done. And one of the stories I usually share in this regard, because the one thing I believe that really keeps us from believing in ourselves, our limiting beliefs. You see, when I was 13, my mom noticed I had an irregular mole and after a biopsy, the doctors confirmed it was precancerous. So they're going to have to perform a surgery and you move a chunk of flesh from my back. My mom later described that chunk is looking like a piece of a chicken McNugget, which happened to me, my favorite food at the time. So thanks mom. I'm not sure if any of your viewers are hungry for McDonald's right now. Um, and while yes, the surgery was a success besides receiving 24 stitches that day eliminating belief was planted so deep. It took seven years to overcome. And the limiting belief was this I'm going to die an early death, which I carried with me until my 20th birthday. And I told my dad when I turned 20, it was such a big deal for me. He had no idea. That's the thing about limiting beliefs. They hide inside you, me. Weigh you down like being bound with slowly sinking ship. If you don't cut yourself loose, eventually you'll drown. If left unchecked for too long, limiting beliefs become unbreakable barriers that lie between where you are now and where you'd like to one day be. And so I think it's time for your viewers to conduct. What's been conquering them. And so to overcome limiting beliefs, there are two ways to do this. And you could add to this too. Um, number one, it's stopped thinking, limiting beliefs and number two, stop believing those limiting beliefs. Now the first, you can't always control because some thoughts was just popping your head. But the second one you can control, because remember you get to decide what you believe. And so my key to helping people overcome limiting beliefs, we have to create a concrete standard that can be held up against any thought. So we can determine whether it's rethinking or not. And that standard is, this is this thought helping me to be my best self. And if it's not then call it out as a stinking, thinking that it is, and immediately replace it with an empowering belief. One that helps you to believe in yourself.

Magic Barclay:

Totally. And when I'm teaching other practitioners about the PNI of trauma, I teach them that the limiting beliefs, their clients have actually have a flow on effect to the other systems, their body. So it doesn't just stay in your limbic or emotional system. It flows on to your nervous system, which flows on to your endocrine system, which ultimately results in an immune reaction. So we have people that think negatively about themselves. You know, have a childhood trauma or a limiting belief or anything like that. And it actually shows up later down the track as fevers or allergies or, you know, a leaky gut syndrome. So listeners don't just think that what you're thinking is just a thought don't dismiss it as that because it has a detrimental, long lasting effect. If it's not a positive experience for you.

Jeff Teresi:

I find that fascinating it's yeah. Things go so much deeper than we think on the surface.

Magic Barclay:

Definitely. Now what's your third tip?

Jeff Teresi:

So my third tip to creating wealth would be making it a habit to meet with a mentor at least once a day. And a fun fact. Lot of people aren't aware of is that a mentor does not need to meet with you for you to meet with them. That's the beauty of a book, the power of a podcast and the true value of a video. You can meet with a mentor whenever you want. And so I just want to encourage people to commit, to continue to learn and be intentional. What. Do you want to grow in and then set that time aside? I know a lot of people might say, okay, sure. I'd love to set the time aside, but I can't find the time. And so I find it very helpful to be able to set aside the time to do it in conjunction with something you're already doing. So for example, maybe read a book while you're eating breakfast or. Listen to a podcast like you might be doing right now while you're working out or while you're driving to work or watch a Ted talk on YouTube, why are eating lunch? Whatever it is, make it easy and make it fun because if we're not growing, we're not getting better. And if we're not getting better, there's a good chance. We're getting worse. And while no one wants to get worse, if you're going to get better, we have to know how to grow.

Magic Barclay:

Absolutely. And that was part of why I started this podcast was to give people tools that could mentor them, but whilst they were doing something else, I'm a great person that believes in multitasking. So I'll go for my walk and rather than just taking the side. Uh, listen to a podcast or an audio book or something, and kind of double the impact that time gives me. So I'm glad that we're here sharing that with the listeners.

Jeff Teresi:


Magic Barclay:

We talk about weight here on this podcast. It's something that people battle quite needlessly most of the time, and we know that stress can be a major trigger. So. If you've ever battled your weight or know someone who has, what are your tips on how to handle all the factors that involve in weight gain?

Jeff Teresi:

That's a wonderful deep question. I'm sure you could answer it much better than I could, but something that comes to my mind is. A lot of times people have insecurities and they're eating because they're stressed. And so it's, for me, it's helped me tremendously to build my confidence by recognizing that I have nothing to worry about, including what other people think about me. And as long as I can remember that little tidbit, I'm able to actually overcome urges that I might not otherwise be able to do. And so just remember. You get to decide what you believe. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. You are loved. You're not alone. It's just continually giving those affirmations, those empowering beliefs. It's incredibly important. I find to review them throughout the day. And so I know some people they'll recite their affirmations just in the morning and then they're good to go. I've actually took it a step further. I call it my morning mood modifiers. So I'll read that first thing in the morning, get myself pumped up. And then I actually, um, have a PM perspective protectors. I call my nightly affirmations and then just recently I added my afternoon attitude, adjusters. And so three times throughout the day, I'm actually reviewing just one sheet of paper that I find has. Empowering beliefs because not all thoughts are created equal. Some thoughts are much better than others. And so those three lists are lists of my top thoughts. Actually an example of the afternoon attitude adjuster, which I read not too long ago today was my attitude towards others is you can do this. And my attitude towards myself is I can do this. And just recognizing that every person's path is personal and I am in a positively prime position.

Magic Barclay:

I think that's really important for people to realize is. You know, he can't sail through every single day without some direction. And these affirmations are just something that give you that direction and something that can help you reach your goals, whether it be weight, whether it be work, whether it be relationships, kind of native map, you can't just jump in the car and expect to get there. So I think affirmations do that for me. And I would really urge the listeners to really think of some affirmations for them and involve them in the day. And I love that you do them three times a day. That's fantastic.

Jeff Teresi:

Yeah. Thank you. I actually find that variety, novelty and nuance are just extremely important to me. And so I don't just want to read the same thing over and over again and have it lose its power and effect. And so I also like to read, view them and revise them every couple of months to just make them fresh and new. And I, one of the things I think is extremely helpful. For myself. And hopefully your viewers is just remembering when I, in doubt or when I'm assessing anything, is I look at the fruit that it bears and ask myself, what fruit does this produce? Is it life giving or death bring, is it love laced or hate based? Is it faith filled or fearful? And being on podcasts I find is extremely. Fruit filled. Cause I am able to hopefully inspire someone in some way, even if it's just one little thing that I said, if it changes their day, it brings a smile to their face. Then it was absolutely worth it.

Magic Barclay:

Beautiful now, Jeff people can find you@jeffterresi.com. That's J E double F T E R E S. i.com. What's a freebie that you can offer our listeners. We really love giving things to people to help inspire them and build their lives.

Jeff Teresi:

Yeah, absolutely. So on the website, I actually have. Uh, an array of freebies on there that come right from the book, the seven key abilities. And I also have a variety of YouTube videos I've come out with, I try to come out with one a week. I've come out with one the last two weeks since we've had the baby, I haven't been able to be on an extremely consistent schedule and I'm actually on the spectrum. And so I find such value in having. Structure systems and routine. And so I think it's incredibly important to be able to contribute as much as they can as often as I can. And so, as far as a freebie, if anyone's interested, I can also email them a poem that I've written that's helped me when it comes to growing in gratitude. And it's actually. Called coming to your senses. And so I'll read it for you right now. And then if you want an actual copy of it, I can actually email it to you so you can look it over and maybe share it with others. And if you're not driving or operating heavy machinery, you can go ahead and close your eyes and just listen to the words foams titled coming to your senses. Have you ever really wondered how fortunate. Have you ever thought your blessings could outnumber the stars first? Imagine if you suddenly lost your sense of sight, would you miss seeing the differences between day and night? Now, imagine if you lost the ability to hear as silencers present both years, could you still persevere now? Imagine if you suddenly last year sense of smell, could you bid the sweet sense of flowers and fresh airfare? Well, now imagine if you lost the ability to take. What joy come from eating. If all flavors were erased. Now, imagine if you suddenly lost your sense of touch to just the thought of such a loss, make you feel very much while each sense is sensational. There's only one you need. It's a sense to give. Thanks the sense from which all gifts proceed. You can go ahead and open your eyes, open your eyes and begin to recognize that each of your senses is a reminder of the countless gifts. You can be grateful for. If you choose to.

Magic Barclay:

Wow. That's all I've got to say. That's amazing. I love that.

Jeff Teresi:

Oh, thank you so much. I actually feel bad that this podcast is coming to an end because I just want to keep talking with you more and more.

Magic Barclay:

I think we'll have to, uh, have you back on if that's

Jeff Teresi:

okay. That would be an absolute pleasure.

Magic Barclay:

Great. Now listeners, you can find Jeff, as I said@jeffterresi.com, definitely send him a message. Get that beautiful poem and have a look at everything, including his book, the seven key abilities. Jeff, it's been my absolute pleasure having you here to.

Jeff Teresi:

Thank you so much for having me. Thank

Magic Barclay:

you, listeners. Coming up in episode 80, we have Lynn Bowman talking about her book brandies for breakfast. So that sounds very interesting. Thank you very much for your time today, Jeff and listeners, I really do appreciate your time listening to this podcast. Just a reminder that we are up for several awards at the Australian podcast awards. So please support us because we just love being able to bring you all these fantastic guests and listeners go forth and create your magical life.