A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Talk To My Angels with Seph Dietlin

Seph Dietlin Season 1 Episode 99

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Seph Dietlin is here to talk today about how to access power that they have to shape their reality based on what he calls the "Miracle Method."

Seph and I go into detail today about holistic health, wealth, stress relief, and weight loss. Stay tuned for part 2 next week!

Connect with Seph online at https://www.talktomyangels.com/

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A Subito Media production

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A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic Barclay. And today I'm joined by Seth Dateland. We've just been having an amazing chat off air, but I won't send you all the spoilers right now. I'm going to let you hear from Seth in just a moment. Now, Seth loves to reveal to his audience how they can access power. That they have to shape their reality with the system called the miracle method. And in our next episode, we're really going to dive into that. SIF is an amazing intuitive, he's a certified hypnotherapist and a conscious awareness teacher. Welcome Seth.

Seth Dietlin:

Thank you. Thank you for having me. I'm so glad to be here and hello to all of you out there.

Magic Barclay:

Thank you now a little bit first, you also run your own podcast. Tell us a little bit about.

Seth Dietlin:

Yes, I've two podcasts. Actually one is talk to my angels. And in that podcast, I talk about, uh, the angels coming to me 20 years ago and what they revealed relevant to our current times. So 20 years ago, when they came to me, They, they told me about what we would be experiencing to ascend in consciousness and that our outer reality would become different as a result of it. So, 20 years I've been downloading this information from the angels and now suddenly it's become relevant because we're all aware that we are in the throes of those changes. To use the bathroom remodel analogy. So we're in the demolition phase and we're going to get into the remodel phase here soon. And then I have another podcast that's launching soon called earth angels international. So many of us are angels here on earth. Meaning that we have a mission to, uh, raise consciousness on the planet. And so this is about discovering the lives of other conscious luminaries who have discovered that they have a message for humanity. And so letting that message be heard, that will raise conscious.

Magic Barclay:

Beautiful. Now, I just love your take on the world. And I always ask my guests the same three questions, and I really am intrigued by the different answers that I get. So here comes your first one, SEF. What can your expertise do to accelerate health? Now when we're talking health, it's not just the physical, but it's also the emotional and the spirit.

Seth Dietlin:

Right. And they're really all tied together on a sleep as you well know. And the angle that I come from, and this is what I've learned through hypnotherapy and communicating with the angels. Is that it's all consciousness. Now that's a great word. Right. But what does it mean? It's our awareness. It's our psychic energy. We can use all kinds of words for it. It's our soul, but at a higher level, we have an intelligence and that intelligence is something that we're really beginning to tap into. And so what I, how I direct people in this particular. Since is by actually the word alignment being connected, being tapped in, you could either live the regular life, go to work, get stuck in traffic, pay your bills. Or we wake up consciously and begin to tap that potential. And even though it seems like something that happens inside of us, that's above our mind, above our logical mind. And then in our souls intelligence. That energy has a way of actually creating miracles. It has a way of creating perfect health. It has a way of getting us where we need to be, and it has a way of guiding us in every little nuance of our lives.

Magic Barclay:

I couldn't agree. More many people that I find are actually spiritually disconnected. So you talk about. Talking to your angels. So many people do not see that different realm, or they can't feel it for one reason or another. They've blocked that pathway and it's kind of become a bit of a, a woo woo idea that there is another consciousness. What are some basic ways that people can actually connect to that realm?

Seth Dietlin:

Well, first of all, great question. Thank you. First of all, just acknowledging that they're there and I agree it's considered a little woo, but it's becoming a lot less woo-hoo as we really are looking to grab onto something. That saves us or that gives us peace. And that's one of the things that the angels do. And prior to this time, you know, they came to channels to Harold in this time. But one of the things that they've been saying to me for the last 20 years is that they would become a lot bigger part of our normal world as we go through these changes. And we can speak to them. Like we would speak to if we're religious, speak to the divine or whatever, we can speak to the angels. And as we raise our own vibration, we're going to find ways to hear back from them. And I'll use an example of something that happened to me yesterday. This is what's possible and it might sound woo, woo. And then it might not sound Mulally. I was going to get a printer and I sort of put it off and put it off just because, and yesterday the angels told me to look inside of a certain app, you know, that there was a printer on sale. And I thought, well, that's funny because, and they even gave me the price 59 99, and I thought, that's fine. If I go on there and that printer is price, I'm going to go get it. And I open up the app and sure enough, there was a printer,$50 off while I get to the store and I access the app again to see what aisle it's in. And it says it's not there. And I'm like, Nope, the angel sent me here and sure enough, there was one left. So. When we get to that level by initially inviting them in the next thing, you know, that's going to happen is that we're going to get that kind of guidance because we're going to be receptive to it. And we're going to learn to speak the language of energy in between them and just focus on the knowing that they give us. So we, we can do many things in and. Bring them in invite them and just invite them in without fear. And then by actually focusing on creating a communication with them, that communication will become stronger and stronger. It's sort of like a radio band for those of you who remember the old radios that used to tune in and it's just a frequency. And once you tap into that frequency, And discover it and they want you to discover it. That's the greatest part, especially right now. They really want you to speak to them. And once you access that frequency, then you can't even turn it off anymore.

Magic Barclay:

Couldn't agree more with the world in turmoil. And certainly here in Australia, you know, things just, aren't looking fantastic. Let's just leave that there. I'm a self. Been having dreams at night of my grandparents, talking to me and almost taking me back in time to situations that weren't healed or weren't complete, or didn't turn out the way I needed them to be, or one of them to be. And I've had my grandparents with me taking me back through that, rewriting the history. And I've been waking with these, I guess, messages. From the other side and all the emotional turmoil has gone. I've never had that experience before, but it's been happening now for a couple of months. So is that my grandparents coming as my annual.

Seth Dietlin:

That is your grandparents coming in and of themselves because it's, once that channel is open, we can bring the angels in and our relatives. And let me share something with you. I have so much love for Australia. I've been sending so much light and love to Australia. Uh, right now in the whole world, uh, for what we're all experiencing. And at the other end of this is definitely something amazing. You know, I asked the angels one time, what can I do to use my. Ability to help, you know, or to empower the world through this time, I know I'm called to do it. And I went into a meditation and the angels came in and this is how they'll come in. They'll come in and meditation, a very deep meditation. I take people into hypnosis and in hypnosis, you can tap into your guides there and your, and also your loved ones and the angels. They took me into a space where they said, That it's just, you. There is no adversary. It's all part of the, it's all part of the hologram there on earth. And what happens when you tap into that, as you begin to change your results, but there's so many different ways that they can reveal things to you. And when they speak to you in a certain way, there's just a knowing and it's such a complete language. That it defies description and absolutely, uh, our relatives will come in and take us to places where we'll see something that we need to see so that we have the higher level. And so that we're not seeing things as they appear not to say that

Magic Barclay:

that's beautiful now. I always ask people about wealth. So many people think that wealth is just money, just finances. So what are your top three tips to creating wealth? Be it financial, but also the personal and the emotional wealth.

Seth Dietlin:

Yes. And it's true. Wealth is a holistic and robust. Perspective in that sense, because not only incorporates your financial ability or your financial health, it also includes your physical health, but also how happy are you every day? And if your, in your head. And negative thoughts, or if you're bombarded negativity, you can have all the money in the world, but a miserable experience. So wealth on all levels comes from alignment. And the three tips that I like to give on that is one, be mindful of you feel. And when I say feel, I mean, And I'll explain something that I do in very helpful. I begin by regressing a client to one of their most happiest moments, and I would invite the audience to do that as well. Regress yourself into one of the most happiest moments of your life. I notice that just by recalling it, that you're going to feel the same experience that you felt, and it's so undescribable, but that's actually. The feeling that we get when we're connected or when we're in alignment, we don't feel that way because we won the spelling bee or just cashed a hundred thousand dollars check. We feel that way because we're aligned to the divine. I know that rhymes. And so that feeling is from divine alignment. Well, we'll recall that feeling when we recall that experience, it doesn't matter, but it's an easy portal to get back into alignment. And so I invited. Uh, my, my clients to allow. Feeling to permeate them because all it does is actually plugs them back into the divine. The other one I say is to be aware of any interference, because there's a of interference that comes in and takes us away from that feeling because that feeling is like a tuning fork. When we are aligned to the divine, what will then happen is that we're going to attract in the equivalent of that feeling through experiences that are going to show up. there is interference in this reality. And as an actor from Hollywood, I can tell you one of them as Hollywood films and which is a form of toxicity, but also anything toxic that we put in our body, that will take us off mentally. It will take us off in many different ways, but once it takes it out of alignment, Takes away our ability to be powerful enough to attract what we want and to be in an aligned state, spending time in nature, indulging and healthy relationships. Those are ways of actually making sure that the interference is kept down to a minimal. And the other one we're getting into a place where we're really pioneering the. Knowing that what we live in is a lot more malleable than what we've been to believe. So understand that your imagination is actually your creative faculty. One of the things that the angels taught me is that the screen in our mind that we could call the third eye or we imagine that same screen is what we use for channeling. The same thing that we would use for imagination. So make sure that your imagination is open, your creative faculty is open and that you're open to be able to see. And they don't just say, oh, well, that's just my imagination. Well, it comes through the same channel. Your imagination is receptive to, which is why. It's a great thing that children love to do and they feel whole when they do. So what happens is that when we begin to believe what we visualize what's in our mind, we don't say that it's oh, it's our imagination. We say, oh, that's an act of receptivity. I'm getting this vision from the divine. And by not allowing ourselves to think, oh, well, that's just my imagination and it's not going to happen by just going to. That was sent to me from above. That means there's a path to get there and it might take some time, but yes, she'll get there. So be in that imaginative state, because it's one way that the divine can communicate with us is to allow something to come through that same channel.

Magic Barclay:

That's great. Thank you so much for that. Now we do talk about weight loss here. So many people battle their weight, quite needlessly, whether they need to gain weight, whether they need to lose weight. And we know that stress itself can be a major cause in weight problems, but so can blocked pathway. The neural bit physical being emotional or spiritual. So I guess my question is, have you ever battled your weight and what was your trigger to lose it? If you did, and what can you offer the listeners to help them on that, that journey?

Seth Dietlin:

So, yes, I actually have battled weight and still do, and. Is because a lot of people who are sensitive and empathic tend to subconsciously put on way as a protective mechanism in this world, because. When you're sensitive, you're connected to a high vibrating energy and the world around us isn't necessarily in sync with that. And so it's sort of protection from being taken advantage of and from having to get too close to people and things like that, which is one way we can struggle with it. You're right. It does have a myriad of effects on us. So for example, stress will create pharmacology such as cortisol and other hormones that trigger weight gain. And so yes, being at peace and doing mindful activities is a wonderful way. To begin to reverse that process. And conversely, uh, being stressed out can trigger unnecessary gain. One of my personal experiences that I could offer the audiences that have dysmorphia, because if you spend a certain amount of time being overweight, when I was working as an actor in Hollywood, then I got the gym and had this specific diet and that it was going really, really well. But when I looked in the mirror, I could never see it. I could never see it whatsoever. And it was interesting because it's an opportunity to love yourself, but not your physical self, your true, self in that sense. And I do find that self-love. Actually can melt the pounds off. And so if we're stuck in the sort of echo of, I feel bad about myself, so I withhold love from myself. So I'm good to keep the weight on. We have to start loving ourselves at our current weight. And then what happens is the pounds start melting off. And very often some of those pounds we might be seeing through body dysmorphia.

Magic Barclay:

I'm so glad that you mentioned that I, myself went on a weight loss journey. I went from 144 kilos, and I'm not a very tall person right down to 69 kilos. And I thought this is fantastic. And then I got sick. And because I couldn't put my focus where it needed to be, and the disease was taking over my mind, the weight gain. Didn't all come back. I got back up to 90 and I guess for me, it was really connecting with what was the subconscious driver. Because when I looked in the mirror, I saw 144 kilos, even at 69 kilos. So was almost like what I was seeing. The physical prophecy, because I had disconnected from self and it wasn't until I really did start going down that self care route and really caring about who I was, not what I looked like, that it started slowly coming off again. So I'm so glad that you mentioned that, you know, I used to go shopping for clothes when I had lost a lot of weight, but I wouldn't try anything on and I'd go straight to the big deal section. Okay. Not to the author rack size 10 section that I should have been at. So many people don't realize they have body dysmorphia. What would be the things that stand out for you to be able to tell them so that they can recognize that what they're seeing is not what's happening?

Seth Dietlin:

Well, first of all, We can't hear what people are telling us, because for example, we would get feedback in our acting classes and people would always label me as fit. And I'm like, who me? We talking about? So we can start to listen when people give us that sort of feedback, but even more important than that, I feel guided to mention this because when we go out about our day and we feel good about ourselves, Our whole entire reality and experiences a mirror mirroring that back to us. And if we feel great about ourselves people open doors for us people smile. I was in a Starbucks drive through and the person in front of me who didn't even encounter me, bought my drink. I got up to the window and they said, oh, the person in front of you bought the drink and. When you go out, not feeling good about yourself, all of a sudden you encounter the opposite. And if you take that one step further into that dysmorphia, when you start to actually feel good about what you do, you're going to see the results that you want to see, and they will show up in the mirror. But we also have to remember that what we see in the mirror is from a way different angle than other people see us. And we forget that we're not told that. And so, you know, I walked around for the longest time thinking I was the only one on the planet with this weird shaped body. It turns out it just happens to be that my eyes are where my eyes are and the mirrors where the mirror is, my body is. where my body is. So I wasn't getting the right angle either. So I guess it be the angle of love for ourselves, but also the actual physical angle of what we see in the mirror. Isn't really what other people see.

Magic Barclay:

Thanks for that. That is so important for the listeners to hear, because I'm sure there's hundreds of people listening to this episode, thinking. Why do those people not run away in Tara? When I walk into the room, I know I had that sorta alone.

Seth Dietlin:

That's a good one. I mean, from Los Angeles, which is like the most superficial capital of the world, or one of them, that statement is very funny.

Magic Barclay:

Hey, it was just something that was floating around in my brain for a few years, actually. So

Seth Dietlin:

I got the impression of God still when he said that as like,

Magic Barclay:

it's funny, cause a listener's side note, you know that I do play live action role play on not a nerd, but my kids ass. So I join in and uh, one of the competitors, as I said, I'm not very tall, but I am quite wide. And one of the competitors. Called me a tank. And I said, why are you calling me a tank? Like trying to distinguish, was this a sledge? Or was it a compliment? Because I had no idea. And he goes, you didn't have tanks get going. And then they take a long time to stop. He said, I know if I'm in your way, you're not going to stop. You're just going to go straight over the top of me. So I actually took that as a compliment. I went, yes, that's my superpower.

Seth Dietlin:

Take it as a compliment. Oh, I did

Magic Barclay:

good. I'm pretty sure he was actually trying to sledge me, but I don't care.

Seth Dietlin:

Well, then you got him back. Good. Didn't you by not taking it as such.

Magic Barclay:

Exactly. And I do say to people, you know, on the field, you're old 20 to 30 years younger than me and life hasn't begin. With you yet and your body. So, you know what, let the old girl just do a thing. And if I'm going to go over the top of you, that's your problem for being there. Lovely. Now you do these podcasts and. You do a whole lot more. So I'm going to send the listeners to your website, which is www.talktomyangels.com. What can they find there?

Seth Dietlin:

Well, I like to teach people intuitive development, which then opens up consciousness and brings in the rest. So I do have a free guide for learning how to use taro to. To guide your daily life and to learn how to connect with the angels through the Tero. So they can get a free taro guide there. They can also connect to my YouTube channel where I do weekly readings and things like that. And, um, if they want to book a session, they can book a session there for third reading or a hypnotherapy exploration.

Magic Barclay:

Right. Well, I have had so much fun chatting with you. Would you please join me for the next episode?

Seth Dietlin:


Magic Barclay:

pleasure listeners. This was your episode 99 coming up in episode 100. We actually have Seth coming back talking about the miracle method for now. Listeners. Thank you for your time. Go forth. Your magical life.