A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

The Miracle Method with Seph Dietlin

Seph Dietlin Season 1 Episode 100

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Seph Dietlin is here to talk today about how to access power that they have to shape their reality based on what he calls the "Miracle Method."

Seph and I go into detail today about the Miracle Method, how to access it, and how to use it to bring miracles into your life.

Connect with Seph online at https://www.talktomyangels.com/

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A Subito Media production

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A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic Berkeley. And guess what listeners, this is our 100th episode. Wow. Who'd have thought it a couple of years ago. When I thought about doing this podcast, that sharing. What I do, what fantastic people around the world do. I never thought we'd get here, but thank you for your time. Listeners. As I said, this is a magical life episode 100, and we are joined again by safe date. Lynn, welcome back safe.

Seth Dietlin:

Thank you for having me again. Pleasure to be here.

Magic Barclay:

Thank you. Now, today, we really want to explore what you do. What is the miracle method?

Seth Dietlin:

Well, the miracle method is sort of practical ising what I have learned over the last 20 years of communicating with the angels. And it came to me in a dream with the angels. They took me into a dream and they pointed out that there are three aspects of mastering life. Or they could be also even three steps and we don't have to take them necessarily in this chronological order, but we usually do the first is to wake up and discover that we have a higher mind, whatever that, whatever that looks like for us and intuition is the initial portal into that. So what we do is we become. Consciously aware. And from that level of consciousness, we begin to consciously create our reality. The second part, once we do that is that we discover that we have the ability to increase the levels of self-love. So self-love is the second piece of that. And self-love, isn't just looking in the mirror and saying I'm so it's actually a love that comes from our. To the being that's courageous enough to take the journey here. And then the third sort of key, the angels call it to the miracle method is redesigning your belief system. And the belief system is something that. Usually the block for most people and creating their own reality, myself included. But how we understand that is that we're limited to create by the beliefs that we have. So if I believe that I live in a city full of. Narcissistic people. Those are only the people that I'm going to meet, but once they changed my belief, for example, that I live in a city full of amazing, loving, interesting people, then all of a sudden that's who I'm going to meet and where that becomes really more practicalize is when. We're wanting to transcend our current reality, which is a product of our past belief systems, whatever that might be. Your show deals with weight. So that would be one of them may be for someone. The other could be their current level of wealth or wealth consciousness or success or anything like that. So we want to get to the level where we want to be. We're going to want to destroy some beliefs that have held us there. And some of these beliefs, quite frankly, according to the angels are beliefs that give us the ability to. See our reality as more malleable than we gree or believe, or have been misled to believe. And almost like I would say as if our soul stepped into a hologram to have this experience and the angels have pointed out how we actually do live in an experience that is that intricately created by our thoughts and our beliefs.

Magic Barclay:

So many people are switched off from, I guess, how their, their spiritual pathway works. And we've heard a lot about, you know, what you put out is what you get back. Almost like if you're walking in, you think don't trip don't trip, don't trip. The next thing you trip, people seem amazed by that connection. What are some easy ways that people can create a better day each day, starting with the moment they get out of bed that actually incorporate what the brain, conscious and the subconscious are telling them.

Seth Dietlin:

That's a great question. The first place that I would start is by dividing the brain into. So one is the logical mind and the other is the higher conscious mind. We know which one we're focused on by how we feel. When we're in the logical mind, we feel restricted. We feel limited. Well, we constantly remember all of our failures and some people refer to this as the ego I referred to it as the logical mind. But this part of us is always time-traveling either into the past or the future, any place where it could provoke suffering. Now on the converse side, we have our higher awareness, which is let's call it our soul's intelligence. And the minute that we tap into that, and we try to stay in that we do what we can to stay in that, we create practices where we can stay at, get up in the morning, write the morning pages. So you write a couple of pages and like a diary or a journal it'll actually split you out of your logical mind and into. Your seat of power. And we know when we're in that place, because we feel expansive, we feel alive, and this is why we do anything that we do to get this feeling. For some people, it might be drugs for some people, it might be a new Ferrari, but whatever it is, what we're really after is that expensive feeling about the liveliness of being connected to our authentic and higher itself. And so. when we begin to create habits throughout our day, whatever they might be that allow us to stay as much as we can in that higher conscious mind. We can still have a job and do that. Where I really tapped into this, I was actually selling cars for BMW and that's a very logical and linear job. And when I would go to work, for example, there would be so many things that would want to take me back into that logical mind, like the numbers and the, interactions with the customers that were sometimes, you know, they didn't trust the person who was going to sell them a car, but I always find a way like a buoy at sea to gain back. Access to the higher conscious mind and my day would go much differently as a result of that. So on a practical basis, it's really just a matter of that. And also reminding ourselves of how valuable we are to the bigger picture and infusing our day with self love. And I always like to ask the universe. To do something different that surprises me. And I may run across a person, hear from a person or hear a statement. But when that happens, that we believe that there's magic pun intended with our hosts, that there's magic in the ethos. there always is that we can access and we access it well when we're in the higher mind.

Magic Barclay:

I love that. Now, with everything going on in the world, listeners, you know, I'm not going to put my views onto you. You can decide for yourself where things are at, but with everything going on in the world, we're seeing a lot of division, a lot of people, you know, one side or the other, and really against each other. And I've done a few podcasts on. Myself. And I think one of the things that surprises me is the division amongst families. Now my own family experienced it this week. We had a birthday and some thoughts were exchanged, um, and the division increased. So I guess my question out of all of this. Is when there is physical and emotional division like that, and something in the back of your brain says, you shouldn't treat your family like this. How do you address that? over all the noise, the white noise of what government says, what workplaces say what's social circle say, but you know, in the back of your mind, Your family are important. You may be scared to approach them scared to have an open conversation. How do you really tap into your highest self fair?

Seth Dietlin:

That's a very good question. And I'm very happy to take this on because this can be very pivotal for so many people. First of all, a divisional topic engaging in it completely takes us down from the higher levels to the lower levels period. If we're in a conversation and we create division, then we've actually stepped out of alignment and we step out of our own ability to create magic in our lives. So we have a choice. Do you want to create magic in your life or do you want to engage in that discussion? Now it wasn't that long ago, technically, however many thousands of years ago that we lived in nature and we lived off the land and our societies are way more complex than that, but they're not because the true nature of us exists in unity with the quantum field, which has found in nature. You go out into the forest and the trees do not care. What the real estate market is. They just photosynthesize the birds don't care. What the current interest rates are. They're going to find worms to eat everything lays in a state of balance. And in that balance, there's peace and there's harmony the, the system or the societies that we've created for ourselves. Don't mimic nature. And they're about to, they're about to, because we're going to discover the limits of making all of these decisions and, and assertions based on that, that lacks consciousness, whatever the viewpoint might be. If it's a view. Based in the world in that sense. And it doesn't take into consideration, compassion or oneness with others, then it's not connected to consciousness. And when we're not connected to consciousness, we can't create. Now I'm going to say this. I believe it's a pretty good trick of the media that likes to pump out all of the negativity. And it certainly does make humanity a lot less powerful because they themselves, if they follow all of that can not create mass. And their lives, but the minute you separate yourself from that, or buffer yourself from that, then you'd stay connected to the power that creates this world. And when you do that, then you can create miracles in your life. And. You know, with the work that I do, one of the things that I do when I don't participate in those conversations is not like a goody-goody thing, but I know what it does. Cause the minute you do with it takes you down, you feel it, you feel it in your body and that feeling in your quite frankly, is telling you that thought is not of your highest. Good.

Magic Barclay:

Thanks. Really does help the listeners and me in this situation. I think we have really relied on convenience in the modern world, you know, convenience of our foods of our power water, and don't get me wrong. I love running water and electricity. I just do, but we seem to have made things so convenient for ourselves as know. That we can't connect to the environment to other spaces around us. And I talk about this a lot in environmental connection, and I tell my clients that you need to connect to the inviting. You can either have ego, which puts humans as a separate species and more important than anyone or eco, which sees we are just one species. We have the same rights and responsibilities as every other animal on the planet. So how does talking to your highest self and connecting with your angels help you to connect to environment?

Seth Dietlin:

a very good question. It's a way actually knowing that all of that is connected because divinity is very actively connected to nature. And for me personally, for example, I lived in Los Angeles and I just moved to Sedona when this division got heightened, because you can feel it, you can feel its separation from the divine. I guess that's a great. Thing to discover in this conversation right now is because that division comes from a mind that is separated from the divine. It's not just separated from other people. It's separated from the divine because when we're in nature, something happens. That actually overtakes us energetically. And there is nature and consciousness in the trees and the plants and the water and the ocean and all of that. When people come to Sedona, for example, which is this beautiful red rock, uh, area, uh, it's a beautiful. Area where there's these four taxes that the native Americans, did their spiritual rituals, because it was so rich in some form of energy. And whether you believed in that energy or not just when you get into town and you're surrounded by the red rocks and the green trees, your body loosens up its tension. And once that tension is gone, you. Make this immediate ascend into your higher self, because that tension keeps us connected to that lower self. If that makes sense. And when we're in nature, it's an easy portal when we're with our angels and guides us an easy portal to get into that, even if we live in an urban environment. And so, because it's one with the quantum field of intelligence, It all has that same value of taking you back in connecting you, and then once you're connected, then you see everything completely differently.

Magic Barclay:

Thanks listeners. I have many people come to holistic, natural health looking for ways to heal. From their initial insult. So from whatever happened when they were a child and it's usually from a pathogen, but I see many people that I have to work with on a limbic or an emotional level SEF. How would you explain to people that something that we call an adverse childhood experience? So something happened in their childhood that they. Made a limbic or an emotional memory too, and it affects them in adulthood. How would you help them to clear that block?

Seth Dietlin:

Well, the modality I used is hypnotherapy and in the Delta brainwave state, which is access to the highest. I take them. I regressed them into that experience where they see it completely differently. They don't experience it with the same fear or their triggers and their higher self is able to actually release or heal that memory very often in those particular situations. We get to see it a bit differently. And I'm going to use myself as an example because when I was a kid in school, all 12 years of school, the kids made fun of me for something, whether it was my big ears or my sensitivity or this or that, or the clothes I wore or whatever. I was made fun of constantly in school and it was traumatic. And when I went in hypnotherapy and visited that moment, I was allowed to know from my higher self that I created that experience on my soul's journey to ensure that when I did. My work with consciousness and the angels that I would remain humble and that it created a sense of humility that I would have. And so thus, I was able to turn that experience from a trauma to it. And very often when we do that, and I'm sure the same thing with your work on some level, whether it's hypnotherapy or even just doing whatever modality that you're good with doing that on some level, the person will realize and turn that experience around and realize how they benefited from it. And then we get to release it because then we're not trying to protect ourselves from it.

Magic Barclay:

Exactly. Oh, I love that answer. Thank you. We've had a great chat here. Is there anything else you would like to share with the listeners about what it is that you do or anything that you've learned recently that could help them?

Seth Dietlin:

Yes. And I'm going to speak directly to the division aspect, because I'm noticing that a of people that I'm encountering have really decided that whatever opinions tie them to division. worth being out of unit D and I'm watching some magical and some amazing things happen with people who have decided just to work in unity instead of being attached to something that's, fear-based, that's creating division. So, you know, even. On the political spectrum. There's no versus red anymore. There's this versus that. And all of the different opinions and people are saying I've had enough of it. And so, there's a trend of that. And if you, the listener are now actually getting to the point where you want the unity more than anything. Have the courage to do that, to step into that because there is a trend that's emerging right now that you'll be embraced by that you'll be brought in by, and that will actually support you in going back to your life and creating miracles because all of this division and all of this news, when you keep up with. It drains you emotionally, spiritually, and physically, and you may have other goals that you want to accomplish, and it literally blocks you from doing that, but by re-emerging and joining in that entity, again, all of a sudden everything that you really want to experience as your soul and give to the world as your soul will then begin to gain momentum. Like you can't believe. So join in that. It's great.

Magic Barclay:

I completely agree listeners. This was episode 100 of a magical life, health, wealth, and weight loss. And I, again, thanks for joining us on this momentous occasion and what a great guest to have as our 100th episode. Thank you so much. And let's just remind the listeners that they can find you at www.Talktomyangels.com. You can also find stuff on YouTube. So Seth, where can they find you on YouTube?

Seth Dietlin:

But if they go my site, talk to my angels, there's a link that will go right to the YouTube. And you for having.

Magic Barclay:

Absolute pleasure listeners coming up in episode 1 0 1. We actually have the basics on how pathogens harm you. Let's really dispel the myths and the stories out there. And let's get to real science. I love science. It's great, but real science not paid science, very different listeners. This was your episode. 100 go forth. Your magical life.