A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Scalar Energy in Healing with Tom Paladino

Tom Paladino Season 1 Episode 112

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Join us for Part 2 with Tom Paladino, where we'll talk some more about Scalar Energy and how he can use your photograph to clear your body of pathogens. Scalar energy has many names around the world, including qi, breath of the Holy Spirit, prana, or zero point energy. Tom defines it as the Omnipresence.

Tom Paladino is a researcher and humanitarian seeking to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health, and by helping enhance their quality of life.
Visit https://www.scalarlight.com/free-trials for a 15-day free trial of Tom's Standard Scalar program!

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A Subito Media production

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A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic Barclay. And I'm again, joined today by Tom Pella, Dino. Now listeners, if you did not get a chance to listen to our last episode, one 11, you've missed some great info. So jump back there and get onto it. Today, Tom is going to really tell us so much more about scalar energy scale. Alight. Welcome Tom.

Tom Paladino:

Pleasure to be back. Thank you for the invite.

Magic Barclay:

Absolute pleasure. Now Tom, many people from. All ethnicities or religions, basically all backgrounds believe in energy of some sort, whether it be that they refer to it as frequency, whether it be cheesy or prana life force in a thing like that. Tell us exactly what is scalar energy and why do so many different. Peoples around the world, call it something different.

Tom Paladino:

Yeah. First I'm going to give you synonymous terms and then I will define it in one word, synonymous terms for scatter energy or cheap chrono, zero point energy. Now some people call it either energy. Some say, it's the breadth of the holy spirit? What is it? I define it as this. The omnipresence and the presence. What do I mean it's everywhere. It's the omnipresence of God. I firmly believe this is a divine energy and that's why it's so important. We're capturing the divine essence. This is not a flow of electrons, which is electricity. These are not magnetic lines of flux. We don't work with electricity or magnets. We work with the sublime. Perfect. I believe scalar energy is the divine essence. It is the omnipresence, the omnipresence of God. It is the I am. And many cultures have embraced that concept. Again, cheap product, zero point energy source. Many people call it source or life force energy. This is the key to my research. We're leaving behind electricity, which is dirty energy, and we're coming into the immaculate. Scalar energy.

Magic Barclay:

So in times gone by, you know, we look at the inkers and we look at all ancient civilizations. They worked a lot with energy. Why is it that in modern day, we seem to have disconnected from that idea.

Tom Paladino:

Isn't that a shame that it's it's so, it's so disappointing. Many cultures have embraced this throughout the rule that there was a divine energy and frankly, they weren't referring to the flow of electrons. And it's a shame. Now we have to come full circle and we have to reinvent ourselves or rediscover this. Many ancient cultures revered this, they realize it was star energy or energy from the sun. They realize that this was life force energy. And now we have to rediscover that concept and very basic concept what we're doing. So for the better, this is so exciting. It's just, we're at the cusp of a new technology. Scalar energy will present us in. Vista of the horizon. This Vista is, is far superior to that, of the computer or electricity or the iPhone or the transistor. This is the new era that's coming. This technology is like none other, it will change the course of history.

Magic Barclay:

It certainly sounds very interesting. Off air. We were talking a little bit about what's going on in the world at the moment. I feel that this is well, people call it the great awakening, but I actually feel that that so many people will come out of what's happening no matter where you sit in your beliefs and we won't go into that, but many people will come out of what's happening. I'm hoping really connected to self, really connected to the idea of energy. What are your thoughts on how the energetic flow of people is changing at the moment?

Tom Paladino:

Yeah, you're right. The, the pandemic was an eye-opener to many people and a boy. It was tough. It was a tough two years, but the point is this we've learned something and yes, it was. But nonetheless we've learned and people are the better for this. Again, it's a tough lesson, but there is an awakened and people realize that what we were doing in the past, some of our thoughts were wrong. Some of our approach, some of our action was misplaced. So we have to reinvent ourselves. In some ways we have to think outside the box now may need new solutions. Okay. And they, they, they old tired solutions are not working. It's just many of those solutions fail. We need new imaginative thinking and I believe skill energy is part of that new paradigm offering new prospect for success.

Magic Barclay:

boy. I hope so. I really do. Tell us a little bit more about the people that you learnt from how you actually got into scalar energy. What peaked your interest? Because I'm sure there's many people thinking, well, how did Tom come across

Tom Paladino:

this? You know, I'll mention to the audience. I have a mystical life. I've received messages from Jesus and Mary. And then I was fortunate enough back in the nineties to meet a family. The Hieronymus family, the inventor's name is Galen Hieronymus. I never met him, but I met his family members and the family of Hieronymus sold me scalar energy instruments. So that was my secure footing working here in the United States, meeting this Hieronymus family and being able to take his notes and take his instruments in and start off on that secure. So to make this very clear, nobody does this alone. I give credit to God and the intelligence that he's given me, but I also had a great deal of help from this Hieronymus family. I want to acknowledge. So we stand on the shoulders of giants as we move on each generation and this great inventor, Galen Hieronymus. I owe him a great tribute. I'm standing upon his shoulders and with it, I will always acknowledge his, his, um, if you will monumental work Galen Hieronymus. This is the new site. The new energy, the new intelligence, so to speak. Once we put this new science to work, it will change the role for the better.

Magic Barclay:

Certainly does sound very interesting. Now, what else would you like to tell the listeners about what you do about scalar energy? Let's really open this topic up. What's something that they need to hear.

Tom Paladino:

Okay. Scalar energy. These instruments allow me to control molecules. What do I mean, I can either create a molecular bond or break down a molecular bond. You can do that easily with scalar intelligence. So scalar intelligence will allow me to say break down the molecular bonds of a fungus or a parasite or a virus. Or I can take a skin or energy instrument. Then I can create the molecular bonds that hold together. That form a mineral and antioxidant or amino acid. And we demonstrate that when people will email us their photograph, we're able to scan their photograph and we're able to identify pathogens and break down the molecular bonds of pathogens that we detect on the photograph. That's the quantum. I never worked with people or animals. I only work with photographs. This is the new science that allows us to work by way of a person's photograph and eradicate the pathogens, the germs that we can detect.

Magic Barclay:

And this is where it gets. Interesting folks I've spoken to you about pathogens. Many a time is that's what I work with every single day. And we know that viruses, bacteria, fungus, they're all. Able to be controlled to a certain point, but we also need them all. So we are only 10% human cells. So if we do not honor pathogens good and bad and honor what their role in our lives are, we're actually doing ourselves a disservice. You cannot purify the body of pathogens without killing yourself. And this is why antibacterial soaps, hand sanitizers, which are spoken about before. Can be so dangerous because you are actually killing off bacteria and you need those in your gut to make your hormones, for example. So without going completely off track here, Tom, how do you encourage people with your work to work with those pathogens that help them in their everyday life? That they may not be aware of?

Tom Paladino:

Yeah, probiotic, bacteria are very important. They're part of our microbiome. What I do with my instruments. I target. If you will, what is considered to be harmful or pathogenic pathogens whereby I leave alone, I leave unscathed the program. Bacteria, such as the genus lactobacillus. Now I can do that. I can pinpoint that with an energy instrument. I don't do that. The prime mover that the prime decision maker is scatter energy. And that's the key point here when I'm working with energy. I don't do the thinking. The outcome is dependent upon the energy, the intelligence, not me. So to underscore what you said, yes, our microbiome is. Okay. We live hand in hand with those, with those, uh, beneficial probiotic bacteria and in, so doing, I, I sustain that or I am hands that environment and I only target what was considered to be pathogenic.

Magic Barclay:

And so how do you do that? So I've seen on your website, PCR tests, can you explain to us what those are and what they're doing?

Tom Paladino:

Sure. A PCR test is using molecular biology. And in this case, in this instance, it can detect the presence or absence of a micro. So many people say, for instance, come to me with the herpes virus and they say, Tom, can you help me? Yes, I will instruct them to send their photograph. I can detect on their photograph. I can ascertain by way of their photograph. If the photograph has the marker of the signal for herpes, and then I can subject their photograph to this energy and destroy or break apart the herpes virus. Now, again, I have the ability with this instrument to identify. Uh, pathogens such as the herpes virus and then to break it apart to just assemble it, you can do that with the scale of energy instrument, because you have this infinite intelligence at your Beck and call, so to speak. Now, why is that important? Well, the herpes virus is unfair. Uh, it's been implicated in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's there. Herpes virus has been shown to pass the blood brain barrier and infect our brain and perhaps lead to, or contribute to say Alzheimers or other neurological. And it also is, is, uh, difficult because some people develop blisters or some type of a cold sore because of a herpes virus. We don't want the herpes virus inside our body it's neurotrophic. So my process, I can adenoma the herpes virus and my instrument can negate the molecular bonds of the herpes virus. So it falls apart or a transmit. What does that mean to mankind? Well, we're, we're at the beginning of this research to prove that yes, we can eradicate the herpes virus, which is an unfriendly pathogenic virus.

Magic Barclay:

Certainly very interesting. What would you like people to know about what you do and why they need to really get onto this?

Tom Paladino:

Yeah, I believe scatter energy is that divine and directly from God enhance it does not have, um, negative consequences. I've never experienced what I would consider a toxic shock or any type of negative consequence with this energy. So immaculate, pure energy. And in, so doing, we want to prove that. So our website offers 15 days of free sessions. Now keep in mind, you email us your photograph, regardless of where you live in the road, the scalar energy forcefield can find your resonance or find your scalar energy signature by way of your photograph. So you would send us your photograph and we will work through your photograph through your quantum. To eradicate pathogens to balance your seven chakras balance, your brainwaves, or to assemble say a micronutrient that would be beneficial to your health all by way of your photograph. This is the quantum realm in which we work through the energy field or the informational field. You're not physically present because scattered energy will find you regardless of where you live.

Magic Barclay:

That's amazing like this. We could just go on forever about this, Tom. This is just so interesting listeners. I really hope you're finding this as interesting as I am Tom. We mentioned that people can work with you by sending you a photo. How do you look at a photo? I'm sure the listeners are wondering this too. How do you look at a photo and get all your findings? Yeah.

Tom Paladino:

Um, it's through the quantum field. I can't stress enough, this energies of divine energy. So doing it all, knowing this is what some people call today, the matrix or the Akashic record. It's the mind of God. It's the essence of the holy spirit. So once you tap into this, this force field, this scanner energy force field, you're tapping into the mind of God. And I need that quiet. And then so doing there are no limits. There's no limitations. It's infinite intelligence. This is why my instrument can pick out an infinite number of pathogens and break them apart. It's not me. I am not the prime mover, the prime mover, scalar energy. I simply operate me the scatter energy instrument. I'll give you an analogy when you get in a plane and you're traveling and excessive. It's not, you that's propelling the plane. Okay. You simply are passive. You sit down in a plane and it's the blame that performs the work function. Well, likewise, my instrument performs the work function. My instrument can identify a million species of pathogens and grape them apart.

Magic Barclay:

Goodness. Mindblowing actually just blown away by how this works and how I think it could be applied to so many things in our everyday lives. Now we live in a world of modern conveniences, so much technology, you know, things that are, whether we like to see it or not emitting some form of radiation on our bodies. How does that affect our in an energy

Tom Paladino:

I've often used that scatter energy is the very cause of the circadian rhythm. In other words, what gives the intelligence for our heart to be scalar energy? How do we think? What is a brain impulse? Good scalar energy. What is creativity? What is thought? What is the emotion? It all starts with energy, scalar, energy scale energy. Once again, it's the primary. That's the first cause of all action in the universe, which stands to reason, light energy intelligence preceding any action. So you have scalar intelligence, that's responsible for brainpower thinking, cognitive power responsible for our emotions. Responsible for our heartbeat. Scalar energy creates a maintains DNA. What is DNA? It's the instructions of scaler. So scanner energy again is the prime mover. The first cause of the entire physical universe, you start with instructions, scattering instructions, and you wind up the effect is physical geometry. That's the elemental and molecular structure of the unit.

Magic Barclay:

Thank you so much for all this amazing information, Tom. Let's just remind the listeners how people can work with you.

Tom Paladino:

Yeah, I'm all about results. So what am, I mean, email us your photograph. We will work with you. We'll treat your photograph of 15 days for free. Well balance. Your shock was we'll eliminate microbes, and we will assemble nutrients. We do all of that by way of an email photograph. Our website is scaler, light.com. Anybody in the road can email us a photograph. You can send your family members, you can send pets. We will work with you. Pro bono free of charge for 15 days. We will prove to you the merit of this quantum energy.

Magic Barclay:

Thank you so much. Now listeners look really jump on this. This is great. You know, I love the freebies. I'm all about giving you something. This is just next level. So definitely jump onto this freebie again, Tom. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing information with us. You're welcome. And listeners, we have so many more great guests coming up for you. I can't even begin to list them all. We have people from around the world, but definitely if there is someone that you would like me to talk to, or you have a listener question that you'd like to forward pop on over to our Facebook page at a magical life podcast and send us a message or comment on one of our posts and we will bring you what you want to hear. Listeners thank you for your time. Go forth and create your magical life.