A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss
A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss
Healing Your Inner Child Through Crystals and Energy with Damla Aktekin
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Damla Aktekin is an Inner Child Energetic Wound Healer, Crystal Healing Teacher, Soul Healing Writer, Intuitive Reader, Astrologer, and Podcaster who helps other self-healers and healers move beyond the energetic wounds of their inner children and shine brighter than they thought possible so that they can fully show up in their lives to heal themselves, their families, and their soul community.
Through her own healing journey, she discovered a unique way to approach Crystal Healing which is based on cultivating a loving, co-creative, and respectful relationship with crystals that activates their limitless healing potential. Damla's main teaching is that crystals aren't things to be used but they are our loving ancestors, kin, and allies in healing and living a life of connection and LOVE.
Her Inner Child Healing approach is unique because it is based on a guidance dream she had of visiting Egypt, which later became reality. That dream continues to inform and create her Inner Child healing work and everything she does.
She is the author of life-changing daily practice journals, creator of the Chakra Bliss Vault Crystal Healing Membership, and the host of the Conversations With Healers Podcast. Find out more about her offerings and take a quiz to determine your energetic wounds and how they show up in your life on her website: https://adropofom.com.
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A Subito Media production
welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host, Magic Barclay. And today Damla Tekin joins us and she is an inner child energetic wound healer, crystal healing teacher, and soul healing writer Who helps other self healers and practitioner healers move beyond the energetic wounds of their inner children and shine brighter than they thought possible so that they can. fully show up in their lives to heal themselves, their families, and their soul community. Through her own healing journey, Dumbla discovered a unique way to approach crystal healing, which is based on cultivating a loving, Co creative and respectful relationship with crystals that activates their limitless healing potential. She's the author of life changing daily practice journals, creator of the Chakra Bliss Vault crystal healing membership, and the host of the Conversations with Healers podcast. You can find out more about Damla and her offerings and take a quiz to determine your energetic wounds and how they show up in your life on her website, Welcome Damla.
Damla Aktekin:Hi, happy to be here.
Magic Barclay:I'm so happy to have you here. We don't talk about crystals in healing nearly enough. And I know I wear crystals. I use crystals at home as a practitioner. It's probably not something I talked to my clients about, and I know I should be. Why are crystals so powerful? Well,
Damla Aktekin:it all starts with you, meaning that, In my own healing journey, I came to realize or, get in touch with the fact that I am a crystal. So are all of us. Our bones our 65% or more minerals, your eyes are liquid crystalline water. Any other water or plasma in your body is crystalline. So is your DNA. So is your fascia. so this liquid crystalline, mostly liquid crystalline, structure that we have has a way of connecting with the, solid crystals and has a way of remembering our orderedness. Our coherence, our uniformity through their molecular structure, which is deeply uniform and deeply, nature made, organic, beauty. So it's a way for you to remember the beauty that you are and to embody the beauty that you are. Fantastic.
Magic Barclay:All of my guests are saying three questions. Everyone gives me such different answers and I really do love the diversity. So here's the first one. What can your expertise do to accelerate health, not just physical, but also emotional and spiritual health?
Damla Aktekin:That's a beautiful question. I actually just published a little mini video about that. and the way you can think about it is. You know, we are all brilliant and we're all light filled at the underneath everything. And what happens is throughout our lifetime, what I call energetic wounds, any non life supporting or flow stopping influences come into our lives. And we begin to sort of cover that brilliance with different patterns in our physical bodies, in our spiritual and emotional bodies. And what happens is, you know, I talk about these daily healing practices like daily crystal healing, EFT tapping, even daily guided meditations. Um, but the one thing I want to emphasize is that those things are wonderful and great and sort of scratching the surface and helping you define. What it is that you're dealing with and become aware of your wounding. And when you get to that place, it's extremely helpful for you to partner with someone like me or another healer, you trust to go into a more accelerated, deeper, more dedicated journey. Because when you dedicate time and resources and energy, your system goes, Whoa, we have this beautiful space where, Damla is going to hold us safe. So let's bring up all the stuff, all the trauma that we haven't been able to solve on our own. And that's what I help people with is holding a space for them and helping them realize the brilliance underneath all the stuff that covers it.
Magic Barclay:I think that's really important. Not only to have a practitioner holding that space for you, but to realize yourself. As the client has the patient that you need to hold space for yourself as well to allow that breakthrough to allow that flow of energy in order
Damla Aktekin:to heal. Yes, absolutely. And it is. I always tell people like I can be there for you for a limited time and we can sort of jumpstart your healing and get you from any plateau you find yourself in to the next stage of your evolution. But then it's going to take daily love, just like caring for, a crystal, a child, a plant, another living being in your life. You are there and your inner light spark matters. And those daily healing practices are. Definitely there to support you. And, it's your job though, to say, become aware of, what's happening in terms of your next stage of evolution. And to say, okay, this is something that I need help with.
Magic Barclay:Now we also talk about wealth here. People think wealth. Is just the financial, but it's also your personal wealth, your emotional wealth. So what are your top three tips for the listeners to
Damla Aktekin:create? My number one tip is that you cannot create. anything, let alone wealth in an overworked, overtaxed, energetically depleted, electrical state, which means your nervous system has to come first. And when you begin to take care of your nervous system through practices like crystal healing and meditations and EFT tapping, what happens is you begin to open up to, um, Just even becoming aware of what's here because when we are in a heightened nervous system or a frozen nervous system response, we're not able to even register, become aware of or appreciate what's here, let alone begin to open up to what might be coming towards us. So that's the very first thing. The second thing is. gratitude and gratitude in the way of realizing that you in this particular moment are the seed for anything else that you create in your life tomorrow, the next month, the next year and the next, you know, a couple of years in your life. So what that means is. you don't ask a seed, why haven't you opened up yet? you don't tell a seed, Oh, you know what? You didn't bloom yet, so you're worthless. You take care of that seed. You take care of it with every little fiber of your being. And you realize that taking care of is going to be. Leading up to the blooming and is going to be leading up to you creating whatever it is you wish to create in your life. And my third and final tip is continuously redefining what success means to you. I have a 10 year old daughter and I recently went through this with her. And the way. I personally define being successful is knowing myself so much that I begin to move towards things that feel good and that feel healing, and that feel expanded to me and move away from and put a boundary around things that don't feel good or expanded. That's the first step. And then the next step is to take care of my needs, to take care of the needs of my inner children, to take care of the multi layers of my needs, my spiritual needs, emotional needs, physical needs, as best as I can, and to love and forgive myself as best as I can. So knowing myself, To say yes or no. And in the meantime, because saying yes takes a certain amount of energy from our systems. Saying no does the same. Having resources, inner and outer resources enough to be able to move towards the yes and to be able to move away from the no items on my
Magic Barclay:And our final standard question, Dumla, is around Weight loss. Many people are battling with their weight and it seems to be like a never ending journey. Have you ever battled your weight? If so, how did you win the war? And what can you offer the listeners who are on this pathway?
Damla Aktekin:I'm gonna try to, give it to you in a way that I understand it. again, for me, it's not so much about the weight. It's about saying yes to what nourishes me and saying no to what doesn't and to resource myself, refill myself, re heal myself enough so that I can say no to things that don't feel good and yes to things that do feel good. gaining weight isn't so much about, the food choices per se, because you're saying, Yes, to something that doesn't feel good because you haven't yet developed the energetic resources to say no, or you're in the process of doing that. So understanding that in your choices, there's a deeper truth, your trauma brain is making choices for you instead of your bliss brain, your expandedness, your flow state making choices. And again, coming back to the self compassion, it doesn't have to be a perfect journey. It just has to be your journey. And it's not so much of war state the way I see it. It's more of a, if I find myself, leaning towards things that don't ultimately feel good, like, You know, those huge fries or those chips or I don't know, chocolate or something like that. that's to me an indication that there's a deeper need underneath that I need to look at and, and be with and to reach into the inner children who are trying to communicate to me through these, impulses.
Magic Barclay:I love that answer. That's great. Now, let's talk about what you do with people. How do people work with you? What are all the things that are in your toolbox?
Damla Aktekin:Yeah. Well, they can find all that I do at a drop of om. com, a d r o p o f o m. com. We are all little oms, little soups of vibration swimming in a bigger soup of om or vibration. And it's up to us to figure out how to take care of the omness, the vibrational essence of ourselves. And for that, I offer, I have a membership. called Chakra Bliss Vault Crystal Healing Membership, where people can go in and sort of go into their own self healing journeys. And if you want to go deeper than that, I offer online, one on one inner child healing sessions. I am, a clairvoyant and clairaudient, so it's My process is being in the moment with you and sort of guiding you through that with moment to moment guidance, and with a lot of gentleness and care. And I also have quite a few, free resources that people can look at. There's a, inner child healing meditation that they can download. I have an EFT tapping that they can work with. So, if you go to a drop off om. com. You can see what is available to you. And I'm also on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook. So you can find me very easily and I hope to connect with you.
Magic Barclay:But before people do that, Dumla, what is inner child healing? Can you tell us exactly? How people can heal from addressing something that maybe they haven't heard about.
Damla Aktekin:Inner child healing is, it's a journey of cultivating connection with the parts of you that need your loving gaze and realizing that. in those parts, in the parts that hurt the most, that have the most discomfort and the pain, whether it's emotional, spiritual, financial, or any other kind of pain, that has an expression, in your body. And when you go into that place, You also realize within that pain, within that discomfort is also a hidden, unrealized potential that is the spark, the quantum timeless spark of the inner children, the one that didn't get to be realized because you ran into, other limitations and other non life affirming, forces. And it's now up to you to say, okay, I'm willing to go in to this, soil into the earth of my being to realize what hidden gifts, what hidden life sparks might be there. And I call them inner children because I've discovered that there's more often than not a particular. Age of the spark that comes up. often people would tell me, you know, they see their, you know, five year old selves within the pain or 12 year old selves. And these in our children speak to us through, imagery through. Sound through color. They don't always speak with words, especially like five year old or younger. It's not going to be true in quote unquote intelligent or, highly complex words. It's going to be through our imagination through, Being open to the way that they want to communicate that you can discover a lot that wants to be, uncovered, discovered and brought out to the surface and the hidden potential, uh, realized. So
Magic Barclay:many people have things happen early in their childhood. This is something I talk about with my clients a lot, and we store energy of the event or of the memory. How can healing with crystals draw out that energy that may be buried deeply?
Damla Aktekin:What crystal healing helps you with is, first of all, again, coming back to that organizing principle. If you approach them as something new to be connected with each time, just like you would when you see your lover, when you see a loved one, a friend, you don't assume What they're feeling or what they're needing in the moment, but you, you are open to discovering. Similarly, when you go into your, engagement or your practice with crystals with that sort of openness, rather than saying something like, how can I use you for my own benefit? Versus saying, how can I connect with you lovingly? That there is just blueprint enough for you to update and change your own connection with yourself. Rather than saying, I want to rid of this part of my body because it's painful. I want to just ignore this part because it's painful. You are sort of opening into a conversation with all parts of yourself. And what crystal healing does also is uh, help you amplify. And focus your intentions as waves of energy and they can as beings of timeless presence because they have been here much longer than us and they will continue to be here much longer. They have an immense wisdom that you can tap into to sort of begin to make sense of. First, bring flow and order to your system at first and at this most basic engagement. And then secondly, to begin to get, co creative with, in understanding your predicament better and in understanding your hidden potential better.
Magic Barclay:Fantastic. Thank you so much for explaining all of this to us today. I know I've gotten a lot out of our chat and I hope the listeners have too. Now remind us again where people can find you.
Damla Aktekin:Absolutely. Again, I am Damla Akhtekin and my website is idropofom. com, A D R O P O F O M dot com. And you can find me with the same handle, idropofom, on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook. And, I offer a lot of free resources, as I mentioned earlier, uh, those might be a wonderful place to start. And if you're called to explore your inner child energetic wounds, you can also take a look at how to work with me privately.
Magic Barclay:Some great information there listeners. Damla, thank you for your time chatting with us today. My pleasure and listeners. Thank you for your time. As always, big shout out to everyone that sends messages saying how much they're enjoying our podcast. Don't forget that we have more great guests coming up and as always, listeners go forth and create your magical life.