A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Community Is Health

Season 1 Episode 84

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Until recently, segregation was wrong.  Now, I'm seeing a return of apartheid.

Remember that we all need our communities in order to be healthy.

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A Subito Media production

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A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic Barclay. And today I'm going to be a little bit political, as you know, by now. I'm a big believer in community. First and foremost, I'm a believer in health. What do the two have to do with each other, but building community by being surrounded by people that you care for, or that care for you or that support you, your health is boosted. And unfortunately humans over time through history have lost sight of the fact that community is so important. And we've had segregation now. It used to be segregation by color, segregation by gender, segregation by disability or ability, segregation by finances, segregation by thoughts and ideas, political views. Do you know what? This has been a cycle time after time war, after war, century, after century. And until recently the modern human would cry out and say, segregation is wrong. No, you cannot discriminate against someone for the color of their skin, their gender bias, their thoughts, their ideas, their finances. No, we say no, that's, that's not going to happen. Until recently. Now we're seeing a big push worldwide for government sanctioned segregation. I'm not going to get into the particulars. You all know what I'm talking about. It's it's quite blatant. We're fighting a war. Of health, whether you believe mainstream media or not health is the topic. So why are we segregating? Why are we breaking down communities and families and friendships? Why are we kicking people out of workplaces, people that have relationships with each other in the name of health? It makes no sense. Segregation is dangerous on many, many levels. I don't care what you believe, but I do care how you treat me. I do care. Hey, treat my family. You could believe that purple Martians are about to come out of the sky and save us all. Good on you. Sounds great. That's what you believe, if that's what makes you sleep better at night, all power to you. But the moment that you discriminate against someone, that you segregate a large part of society, because they don't believe in purple aliens, you've lost your humanity. You've lost sight of the fact that humans are. Every single species of primate lives in a community, we are no different. We're not special. We're the silly ones. We've evolved so far past our primate cousins that we think we're just the bees knees. Well, guess what? They're not turning on each other. Even chimpanzees that have territorial wars, tribal wars. To the death, really gory stuff. They support their own community. And why do they have these wars? They have these wars for survival. They have these wars for their home, for their food sources. But you, the human, are segregating society, not for survival. You're segregating for fear. And there is a very big difference. The cousin that you're no longer inviting to Christmas or Hanukkah or Ramadan or whatever that you've got happening that last year was fine to invite. But this year you're segregating them. What are you doing to yourself? What are you doing to that


Magic Barclay:

You know, until the mainstream media or the government told you that they were unworthy as a person, you shared laughs with them. You broke bread with them. You have a history with them. Why are they any lesser person now? Ask yourself that. Why is your neighbor that you used to borrow a cup of sugar from now, someone that when you see them in the street, you scurry into your house hiding. Or worse, you scream profanities at them. They're the same person. You're the same person. Segregation is dangerous. We've seen it in many nations. We've seen apartheid and many of us went, that's wrong. That just shouldn't be allowed to happen. And now you might own a store, you're not letting someone in. It's apartheid again. Maybe go to that cousin, go to that brother, that sister, that neighbor. Go to that customer and have a meaningful conversation with them about your views and about their views. No one's wrong. No one's right. Accept each other for who you are, because they're still the same person. They were last year. To create a true, magical life, you need to accept everyone. That's a part of it, for the good, for the bad. And just remember our closest. Living relatives or the gorillas. We shared 95% of our DNA with them. They don't segregate. They do have community. They do have a hierarchy, but the hierarchy is based on survival, the community, the family, the unit is the most important thing. And the more you segregate against your family, the more you segregate against your neighbors, the more you segregate against your customers, you are breaking down that community and you are endangering your health by doing that. Now, I'm sorry. Again, this is a political rant, but I'm seeing it every day. And I want you to have a magical life, but you can't do it by segregating large chunks of society. It's not good for you. It's not good for them. Listeners. Thank you for your time. This is a very important message for me to get out to you. In coming episodes, we have the fantastic Dr. Stewart Gillespie talking, all things innate immunity. We have ever told Miller talking about full bodied success mastery, have some amazing guests coming up for you, but for now, listeners do not segregate. Go forth and create your magical life.